Sunday, June 12, 2011

Wireless Vibrating Nipple Clamps

Nipple Clamps. You would not think you would want too try something like that but trust me its amazing! I have some what sensitive nipples and I never thought for a second I would try something like this ... but I did and I love love love it! 

One of the best things about the wireless nipple clamps is well they are wireless! It comes with 8 batteries too fit the nipple clamps, the batteries are like watch batteries only very small.

They are made from plastic but they are very durable, and the tips of the clamp has a rubber coating so they will not dig into you. They also come with screws to adjust the size, I just had too take mine out it was too much trouble, for me.

They are very small just over 3 inches long.

I love mine. They are not very loud so you could use them when you like, to turn them on and off you just have too push a button at the bottom of the clamps and it turns on and off there is no adjusting the vibration or anything but that's okay.....

All in all I recommend these clamps too just about anyone...

Thank you adulttoyshoppe for allowing me too try your wonderful nipple clamps!!


Waterproof Anal Beads!!!

  Anal beads not for me you say? I said the same thing! But the Waterproof Anal Beads from the adult toy shoppe are WONDERFUL!!!!

They are very fun and are very flexible. They do not hurt like you would think.

I have lots of fun with these beads I have used them for more than one thing in one place.They are very inexpensive also $17.99 for these and they are some of the best ones, so theadulttoyshoppe is very reasonably priced for there products.

But they carry more than just anal toys they have a WIDE variety of just about anything you could imagine and all at nice prices.

Even if you do not plan to buy anything you should still have a look around you never know you might change your mind once you get there.

~Pros and Cons~


1. Flexable
2.Nice Vibration with a adjuster
3.Not to big
4.Length is very nice
5.Takes AAA batteries and not some funky battery


Honestly I have non I love this Anal toy and will continue to use it for a very long time!!

Have a wonderful Day!